Exposing the Dangers of Martial Arts (Part 3) 

For those involved in the martial arts and related arts, or for those who are considering becoming involved to any degree, have you ever wondered about the source of power that is behind them, or where it originates? Have you investigated, asked questions, or considered that all of these practices overlap and are integrated with each other? Have you asked who founded or created them, or what were their original purposes? Do you want to know the truth? Obviously, martial arts and yoga did not develop on their own out of thin air. They both have a complex root system, the knowledge of which may come as a surprise to many.

The Curses of Sexual Sins 

Dr. Vito Rallo, Author

God comes down harder on sexual sins than any other kind of sin. The Bible deals extensively with sexual sins. The Bible is full of dire warnings telling us the severe penalty of sexual immorality, yet it is mostly ignored as an old-fashioned idea, not to be taken seriously in this day and age. Nothing could be further from the truth!